Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sex and Cellulite

I frequently hear from women whose sexual desire has plummeted as the discomfort with their bodies has intensified. Many women in their late 40's and 50's are witnessing the effect of time and gravity on their ageing bodies. Sagging breasts, poochy bellies, cellulite-ridden thighs, upper arm flab - the list of hated body features seems to go on and on. It's a rare woman in our youth and thin-obsessed culture who feels good about her body. Even skinny women have no shortage of body-hatred as they compare themselves to the genetically blessed and/or surgically enhanced models which fill our TV screens and magazines.

Poor body image has a direct impact on whether women are comfortable engaging in sex. If you're uncomfortable in your body and you're imagining your partner recoiling in disgust at first contact with some extra flesh, then it's unlikely that you're relaxed enough - much less hot enough - to have passionate, steamy sex. Never mind that men, unlike women, don't tend to zero in on cellulite or saddle bags. The majority of men focus on NAKED and WILLING.

So here's the deal: exercise, tone-up, change what you can, but begin to appreciate all that your body does for you and stop waging war with it. Make a habit of standing naked in front of a full-length mirror, keeping your claws in, until you reach a place of body acceptance - flaws and all.
It's only then that you'll be fully available for all the pleasure the body has to offer.

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