Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Time and Energy

When was the last time you had a whole day stretching out in front of you and absolutely nothing on your agenda? No work, no errands, no calls to make, no bills to pay - it's one of my favorite fantasies. But have you noticed how we tend to fill up whatever empty time we do have with more activities?

There was a time when I worked full-time and was a single parent of two small children. Now that my children are grown and gone, it seems like I should have plenty of free time. But I've filled those childcare hours with trips to the Y and gardening and writing a book, and it feels like I'm just as busy as ever. Not that being busy is a bad thing - I love the things I've added to my life. But sometimes - alright, a lot of times - I feel stressed and pushed for time and tired. If I don't allocate time and energy for my marriage, it can end up with just the leftovers. And that doesn't make for the greatest sex.

Think about how you fill the 24 hours you have each day. What time and energy do you reserve for your relationship?

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