Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A New Earth - The Inner Body

In A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle considers ego to be the false sense of self that arises from an over-identification with your roles, your past experiences, your thoughts, and your body. Over-identification with the body is a very basic form of ego and causes people no end of trouble in the sexual realm.

You don't have to learn to love your belly fat and cellulite in order to become more comfortable with your body. You simply have to begin shifting your focus from the outside of your body to the inside where judgment no longer exists. That's where your life energy resides.

How do you feel the inner body? Tolle suggests closing your eyes and placing your attention on some part of the body, like your hands or feet. Keep your attention there until you can feel the energy and aliveness. Practice feeling the inner body by moving your attention around to different body parts, including your genitals. See if you can feel a tingling or a warmth there.

Awareness of the inner body keeps you present in the moment, moves you out of ego, and actually enhances the immune system. It's also a path to sexual feelings and a sense of your own sexual aliveness.

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