Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Standing Up to Fatigue

The couple in Just Do It who decided to have sex for 101 straight days faced many obstacles in achieving their goal. One of the biggest obstacles was fatigue. Jobs, two young children, household chores - you know the drill. They often collapsed into bed at night desiring nothing more than a good night's sleep. But they learned something about fatigue as they pursued their sexual marathon: they learned that it soon dissipated when actively challenged.

"If you stand up to the fatigue, it falls to pieces....it's a cheap bully." That's the author of Just Do It sharing his observation with his wife. She responds, "Exhaustion is a cheap bully. That's awsome....that knowledge alone is worth this experiment."

Basically, they just ignored the fatigue and went right ahead touching and carressing each other until the desire showed up. The desire then banished the fatigue. Kind of like when you force yourself to go for a walk after dinner when what you really want to do is collapse on the couch. You return from the walk with renewed energy - a second wind that carries you through the rest of the evening.

You get to decide how much power you relinquish to fatigue. I'm all for getting adequate rest - just make sure that you're the one calling the shots.

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