Thursday, August 7, 2008


Think back to grade school. What did you 'know' about boys? About girls? If you were to brainstorm a list of adjectives that describe each sex - based on your early learning - you would get a glimpse of the stereotypes that still reside somewhere within you.

In the politically correct outside world, you've probably chucked most of those stereotypes. You may have even stretched way beyond the limits of that early conditioning in the way you perceive yourself and the opposite sex. The old role behavior tends to manifest most clearly in couple relationships.

You may be the exception, but it's amazing how often men and women revert to stereotypical male/female behavior with their partners. I'm not talking here about who cuts the lawn and who changes the diapers (though there's still a lot of change needed in that arena), but how power is shared, how couples communicate, who does the most accomodating, who does the relationship-tending, who initiates sex, etc. Those dynamics have a direct bearing on intimacy and a couple's sexual relationship.

Think about your own relationship and see if you can identify stereotypical male/female patterns of relating. Start with who controls the remote.

More tomorrow...

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