Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Random Facts

I thought you might find it interesting to peek into the sexual practices of other Americans. Obviously they're just the results of what people report in surveys, but it gives some general indication of what's going on in people's sex lives. These facts were reported in the October, 2004 issue of "O" Magazine.

Average number of sex partners an American woman will have in her lifetime: 6.
Average age at which women lose their virginity: 17.

Percentage of women who have sex 2 or 3 times a week: 31.
Percentage who have sex once a week or less: 61.

Percentage of men who say their female partners always have an orgasm during sex: 44.
Percentage of women who actually do: 29.

Percentage of men who enjoy getting oral sex: 45. (huh??)
Percentage of women who love to give it to them: 17.

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