Thursday, March 5, 2009

Writing Your Own Erotica

It's too late for Valentine's Day, but Dear shared a great gift idea that could end up giving a boost to your sex life. I'm going to quote from the website:

"Think of it as the literary equivalent of making a sex tape: A company called UStarNovels lets you customize your own erotic stories with the names of you and your partner, the setting, and details of your choice. The way it works is, you choose the character names (it could even be a celebrity crush) and offer details like favorite food and music. You can even say how racy you want the love scenes to be. The result is a 160-page-plus novel written to your specs; it costs about $38 and arrives within a week, depending on shipping."

I was going to take a break from book-writing for awhile, but I may have to give this one a try. Since someone else is doing the actual writing, I think I could handle it. How about you?

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