Monday, April 20, 2009


Many women experience menopausal symptoms as much as 10 years before the actual onset of menopause. In this time leading up to menopause, changes in sexuality can begin to surface.

A woman's sexual identity is often rooted in her sense of attractiveness to men, which is typically based on having a youthful body. As she approaches mid-life and gravity takes its toll on her body, she may feel undesirable and therefore less interested in sex. Biologists say humans are the only species in which females are sexually aroused by their own pheromones — so “feeling sexy” is necessary to feel desire. With Hollywood having defined "sexy" as thin, big-breasted, young, and gorgeous, it's harder as women approach mid-life to experience themselves as sexually vibrant beings.

Relationship issues often emerge in mid-life, as well. I'll address that tomorrow.

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