Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sex Pyramid Concluded

Over the course of the last week, I've outlined the different tiers of a sex pyramid as defined in an August 2009 article in Self magazine. Creating a personalized sex pyramid, or repoitoire of different sexual encounters, can add diversity and excitement to your sex life. Today, I'll discuss the final two tiers: take-charge sex and solo sex.

Take-charge sex is respectful, but assertive. You initiate a sexual encounter with the sole purpose of having intercourse. It's a great way to express your desires and demonstrate your passion for your partner. As the article points out, "You increase your pleasure potential when you accept responsibility for your sexual satisfaction and don't sacrifice your needs to those of your partner."

Solo sex is a way to increase your own pleasure profile and take responsibility for your sexual needs when a partner isn’t available or desired. There's no pressure from a partner, and you can concentrate on exploring your body. There are some benefits to solo sex which make it an important part of the sex pyramid, as well.

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