Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Getting Angry

For lots of people in relationships, anger is a dirty word. They just want all the good stuff - understanding, harmony, intimacy, sex, etc. When conflict erupts, they run or shut down. They haven't experienced any positive outcome from anger so they avoid it at all costs. They haven't learned that anger has a place in every relationship.

Loving someone - and living with them - is the hardest thing anyone will ever do. No matter how much you love someone, encountering and negotiating differences is nasty business. The power struggle over whose needs get met can produce some pretty intense anger. If anger is viewed as an unacceptable rupture in the relationship, it doesn't go away - it simply goes underground. The unaddressed anger festers and lingers. There's no opportunity for resolution.

Conflict is messy - it creates an awareness of how separate we really are - but moving through it is reason for celebration. Resolving conflict increases intimacy - and creates an opportunity for great make-up sex.

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