Wednesday, February 20, 2008


If you haven't had much success in jumpstarting your sex drive, you may want to try doing some journaling. Writing about your lack of sexual interest might seem like a strange way to increase desire, but putting your thoughts down on paper is often very helpful in identifying possible blocks and resistance to solving the problem. You're also more likely to generate solutions.

When you simply think about the problem, your thoughts tend to be very circular. You start off thinking, "I just don't care about sex anymore", you go off on a couple of related tangents, and then come right back to "I just don't care about sex anymore." When you write, you use a part of the brain that is more linear so you tend to make more progress. In writing, you also get a little distance from the feeling part of the problem. That distance usually helps new ideas emerge. You might actually find that pen and paper are your best tools yet for rediscovering passion.

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