Saturday, March 22, 2008

On the Radar Screen

There are a multitude of things competing for your attention every minute of every day. As Stephen Covey points out in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, you may end up attending to things that feel urgent but aren't really important. It's also easy to fritter away your time answering email, doing the daily jumble, or watching Survivor.

A lot of your time is eaten up by children, a job, a house - things that don't feel discretionary. But when you decide that something else is important - like exercising, journaling, or spending time with friends - you move it up in your list of priorities and find ways to make room for it.

You put it on your calendar, leave sticky notes on your bathroom mirror, and add it to your list of things to do. You don't leave it to chance and you don't wait until you just happen to have a chunk of open time.

Think about how you might take sex from the far margins of your life and move it a little closer to center. If it's not on your radar screen, it's unlikely to get much play.

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