Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Technical Trouble - Part 2

Men aren't the only ones who experience technical difficulties when it comes to sex. Their difficulty just might seem more urgent since intercourse depends on a certain degree of erectile functioning. But what about women's technical difficulties?

Women who take a good while to get aroused and struggle to reach orgasm even after prolonged foreplay can also feel a great deal of frustration - which can translate to sexual avoidance even when desire is present. Their partners can feel frustrated, too, and end up concluding that it's more work than it's worth. It's another destructive sexual dynamic that has the power to wound and lead to a sexual void.

As with men, women need to take the pressure off of themselves to be orgasmic in every sexual interaction. And men need to stop judging themselves a failure if their partner doesn't come every time. Orgasm depends on being fully present in the moment and giving oneself over to the physical sensations. That is rarely possible when there is pressure and a specific expected outcome.

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