Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lionness or Lamb?

Old sex role stereotyping tended to define feminine energy as soft, tender, and submissive. If you've bought into that definition, you may not feel very 'womanly' as you go about your day, taking care of business both at home and in the world outside the home. Most women I know are powerhouses of energy. They have to be to get everything done. Does that mean they're not feminine?

I believe that feminine energy is both tender and fierce. As I watch a mother wren tend to her babies nestled inside a planter on my front porch - and then squawk like a crazy thing when I get too near - I'm reminded of the strength behind nurturing. Bringing life into the world and then protecting it from harm are not tasks for the weak or the submissive. I think women have incredible power. That's probably not news to most women (or men), but I'm not sure that power is associated with feminine strength.

When your sense of being female includes power, confidence, and control, you'll bring a very different energy into your sex life. Your partner would probably welcome your inner lionness.

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