Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sex Experiment

I've started reading Just Do It - the book by the couple who decided to have sex every day for 101 days to see if it would put new life into their marriage. I'm only about 70 pages into it, but I was impressed with some of the planning the couple put into the experiment before it ever got off the ground.

They started with asking themselves what would help them cross the finish line. They took turns in answering the question. The husband expressed a desire for his wife to wear sexy stockings and suggested that they try viewing some porn together. The wife suggested sex toys. She also decided to get a Brazilian and routinely wear lingerie and lipstick to bed. Together they decided to hire someone to help clean the house, go out more often as a couple, read some books on sex, take more baths together, and massage each other. The husband agreed to give up his beloved 15 yr. old sweat pants for the duration of the experiment and to start lifting weights again to get in better shape.

In other words, in brainstorming what would get them through 101 straight days of sex, they ended up with a plan that sounds a lot like what couples do when they're dating. They were not only going to make sex a priority, but they were going to work at presenting their best selves to each other.

What would it take for you and your partner to make it through a 3-month sex marathon? Might make for an interesting conversation.

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