Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nipple Pleasure

Though everyone has their individual preferences, here are a few things to consider when pleasuring your partner through their nipples. And remember that the size of a breast has nothing to do with sensitivity.
  • One nipple may be more sensitive than the other. Ask your partner about differences in sensitivity and whether they want you to spend more time on the more sensitive one.
  • You can make the nipple taut by placing your fingers on each side of the nipple and lightly pushing down before licking or sucking.
  • Be sure to alternate breasts and focus attention on the entire breast and not just the nipple.
  • Your lips can create a seal around the nipple. When you suck in and out without breaking the seal, the nipple feels the alternating currents of pressure.
  • You can use different temperatures to create intense sensations such as an ice cube in the mouth or drinking something warm before licking or sucking.
  • The kind of nipple play your partner enjoys is often dependent on their state of sexual arousal. Hard nipples are not a reliable indicator of sexual arousal, so it's important to ask.

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