Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Vuvla Acceptance - Part 2

The discomfort many women feel with their genitals is related not to appearance but to fears or concerns about discharge. All women have vaginal discharge because the vagina produces secretions to cleanse itself. Discharge is usually heavier around the middle of the menstrual cycle and during sexual arousal. Without the lubrication provided by discharge, sex would not be as comfortable or enjoyable.

The scent connected with the vagina is natural and often a powerful turn-on for a woman's partner. Strong odor from a discharge usually indicates a yeast or bacterial infection that needs medical attention. Women can avoid infections and keep their vulvas in great shape by keeping them clean and dry. The genitals should be washed daily with a mild cleanser and then thoroughly dried to discourage the growth of bacteria. Cotton panties are the best - or wearing none at all. Sleeping without underwear gives the genitals a chance to breathe.

If a woman doesn't have a medical problem but simply isn't comfortable with her genital odor, she has a couple of options. She can douche with a water and vinegar solution (no more than once a week) or use feminine cleansing cloths. Unscented baby wipes are another option.

It's pretty tough to feel good about your sexuality unless you feel good about your genitals. Becoming more familiar with your sexual anatomy and appreciating its complexity and marvelous adaptability will go a long way toward helping you embrace this special part of your body.

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