Sunday, August 19, 2007


Have you stopped kissing your partner? I mean really kissing - not the hello or goodbye peck that often passes for kissing in the comfortable stage of a relationship. If passionate, make- you-weak-in-the-knees kissing is only a dim memory from your early courtship, it's time to stage a revival. Real kisses are not only an easy path to seduction, but also make your partner feel important and desired. Not to mention what long, lingering kisses can do for your own libido.

So, brush your teeth, gargle a bit, and surprise your lover with some old-fashioned necking. Start slowly - you don't have to drive your tongue down your lover's throat right away. A few soft kisses on the face, neck, and ears will help build anticipation. Then some gentle kisses on the lips, followed by a gradual increase in tongue action, followed by........... Use your imagination.

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