Friday, August 10, 2007

What DOES Change?

People often want to know what sexual changes are a 'normal' part of getting older. There is a heckuva lot of variety out there, but there are some pretty predictable changes in your sexuality as you age.

Both men and women typically experience a gradual decrease in their sexual drive. Men usually experience fewer spontaneous erections and may need more sexual stimulation to achieve an erection. Erections may not be as firm as in younger days and there can be difficulty for some in maintaining an erection. Orgasm is sometimes delayed - which can actually have the benefit of helping some couples get more in synch.

Women, too, often need more foreplay to get turned on and to be able to reach orgasm. Post-menopausal women may have difficulty with lubrication (which can be easily managed with K-Y jelly).

None of these changes spell an end to your sex life - and with the right accomodations, you can have a rich sexual life well into old age (whatever that is!).

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