Friday, August 24, 2007


The most important sex muscle for both sexes is the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle - part of the pelvic floor. When the PC muscle loses tone, genital arousal decreases and orgasms become weaker. So if you want to get that PC muscle in shape, it's time to start doing some Kegel exercises.

You can locate the PC muscle by stopping and starting the flow of urine. A Kegel squeeze simply involves contracting that muscle repeatedly and then letting go. Try 20-30 squeezes (about 1 per second) several times a day. Work up to two sets of 75 a day. A variation on the short squeezes is a contraction that lasts anywhere from 3 - 10 seconds followed by an equal period of relaxation. Again build up to two sets of 75 a day. You can also mix up the short and long squeezes in various sequences.

Sound like a lot of work? Really the hardest part is just getting in the habit. You can do Kegels while driving, standing in line at the grocery, or sitting at your desk. When you think about the payoff - increased blood flow to the pelvis, higher levels of arousal, increased genital sensitivity, and stronger orgasms - the effort is well worth it. Make sexercise your secret weapon in maintaining sexual vitality.

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