Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Order of Stimulation

Yesterday I posted on the need for women to be relaxed prior to arousal. I focused on the initial approach and its importance in allowing the erogenous brain to engage. Today I want to take that a step further and talk about what happens next.

Once foreplay begins, the order of stimulation will make a big difference in a woman's ability to respond sexually. I'm going to quote from Slow Sex Secrets by Adam Tokunaga:

"You start by caressing your partner's hair. From there, you work your way to her face, her shoulders, her arms, and her fingers. Then you move to her sides, her lower back, her upper back, and her shoulder blades. Only then do you move down to her buttocks, thus covering all the erogenous zones on the back side of her body. Once you have done that, you move to the front. You don't go right for the nipples, however. They are left to later in the series, teasing your partner's receptivity to greater heights."

This isn't a rigid prescription, but it gives a good idea of how to heighten a woman's sexual sensitivity and get her sexual energy flowing.

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