Tuesday, November 11, 2008


There are many differences in male and female sexuality, but one of the big ones that's often ignored is a woman's need for relaxation prior to arousal. Men can be aroused by a visual image or a simple touch, but for a woman to become aroused, she first needs to relax. She has to be able to put aside her stress and her internal chatter before her erogenous brain can start performing its magic.

It's no surprise that men's advances are often rejected. Men frequently make the mistake of approaching their partner the way, themselves, would like to be approached. But instead of popping a porn film into the DVD or walking around naked following a shower, they would be a lot better off putting on some music and asking for a slow dance or offering their partner a foot or shoulder massage.

There's a big difference between simply getting acquiescence to a sexual request versus getting a partner who's fully engaged. Ignoring a woman's need for relaxation is more likely to get the former rather than the latter.

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