Monday, November 17, 2008

Women's Collusion with 'Bad Sex'

Recently I've been posting on foreplay, and I'll be continuing with that theme this week. I want to briefly comment on women's own collusion with sex that is quick, perfunctory, and ultimately unsatisfying.

Because many women have never experienced true eroticism and the pleasures of extended foreplay, they don't have a very high opinion of sex, in general. These women are unlikely to initiate sex because there's not that much in it for them. When their orgasm-focused partner initiates sex, they're likely to be eager for it to take up as little time as possible. What happens then, is that their partner is free to focus primarily on his own gratification without guilt or remorse.

A vicious cycle ensues in which the woman finds little or no pleasure in sex, and the man - sensing her disinterest and disengagement - does nothing that will change her experience. It's a set-up for resentment and disappointment on both sides. Both men and women have a role in changing this kind of unhealthy sexual dynamic.

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