Thursday, February 19, 2009

Foreplay before the Foreplay

It's frequently assumed that foreplay is part of the formula for getting a woman warmed up enough for intercourse. But interestingly enough, women who masturbate can usually reach orgasm in just a few minutes. So why does it take so much foreplay to get a woman primed for intercourse and orgasm?

The answer is that men often haven't taken the time to find out exactly how their partners like to be stimulated and how they can most easily reach orgasm. But more importantly, men may not realize that the most valuable kind of foreplay begins long before bodies start pressing against one another. When a woman feels validated, nurtured, and cared for throughout the day by her partner, it's a lot less of a stretch for her to respond to sexual overtures. Kissing, touching, and carressing aren't just about warming up the body - they're just as much about building a sense of connection. The more you stay connected during the day, the less foreplay may be needed at night.

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