Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Morning Erections

What does it mean when a man wakes up with an erection? It's certainly a common occurrence, but does it always signal an interest in morning sex? Not necessarily. Though some men love the idea of sex first thing in the morning, an early erection is sometimes more of a nuisance than a signal of desire. It may wake him up earlier than he wanted, and it usually makes it more difficult for him to urinate. If he's still half asleep, he may also feel irritated if his partner assumes that his erection is an invitation to play.

Erections during sleep occur due to dreams - but it doesn't mean he's dreaming about sex. Any kind of adventure or activity during a dream may cause an erection - which is why a morning erection may have nothing at all to do with sexual desire. Men already know this. If you're a woman, you may just need to ask.

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