Monday, February 23, 2009

Guys Faking Orgasm

When it comes to faking orgasm, women seem to have cornered the market. But findings from The Orgasm Survey indicate that women aren't the only ones engaging in this little deceit. Supposedly, almost one-fourth of the men surveyed have faked it at one time or another.

According to the results summarized on the web site,, men fake orgasm for many of the same reasons as women:

He feels pressured to perform.
She's trying hard to please him, but his body's not cooperating.
He's exhausted and just wants to hit the hay.
He's not into the sex, and faking it is a way to get it over with.
He's not physically or emotionally attracted to his partner.
He's hiding his sexual identity.
He's with a new partner and can't relax enough to let go.
He doesn't want his partner to know he's having sexual issues.
He feels that having an orgasm is a way to prove he's manly.

For obvious reasons, it's got to be a little more difficult for men to fake it than women. But it is possible for a man to have an orgasm without ejaculation - and if he's using a condom, his partner may be none the wiser as long as he has good acting skills.

I'll go on record again as an opponent of the whole faking phenomenon. Honest communication and a de-emphasis on orgasm as a mandatory finish to every sexual encounter are definitely preferable.

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