Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sunlight and Libido

With the warm, sunny days of summer replacing the cold, dark days of winter, many people are finding that their sex drive has also warmed up. Why is that? Our body chemistry and hormone levels are directly related to the sun. The amount of sunlight you receive affects the number of nerve messages sent to certain parts of the brain. This activity affects the level of certain brain chemicals such as serotonin and hormones such as melatonin. These chemicals and hormones are thought to affect your mood. So, with less sunlight in the winter months, changes in the balance of certain chemicals and hormones may trigger depression.

Even for those individuals who don’t find the dark winter months depressing, the warm, long days of summer may still elevate mood and libido. Although it is wise to limit direct sun exposure, spending more time outdoors this season may improve both your attitude and your sex life.

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