Friday, December 21, 2007

Online Sex Games

Online sex is no longer limited to photos, movies, and chat rooms. Now there are sexually oriented games that can be downloaded onto your computer. One of these games allows users to play around with a 3-D version of a porn star, including disrobing her and posing her in various sexual activities.

Even more bizarre is an online world called Second Life. The software is free and allows players to create their own persona for interacting with one or more of the 40,000 people who are hanging out in Second Life at any given point in time. Anyone interested in some action can visit a sex club or hook up with a virtual prostitute. By pushing buttons and clicking on different icons, you can do everything from chatting to simulating intercourse.

Whatever it is that people get from this pretend sexual interaction, they get it risk-free. It's the ultimate in anonymous hookups. The popularity of these games may say something about our difficulty with face-to-face, emotionally charged sex. Bottomline, game-playing is lousy training for becoming a full sexual being.

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