Saturday, December 1, 2007

The 'Right' Time

Are you waiting for the 'right' time to make sex a bigger priority in your life? You know the mindset - when life gets a little bit less hectic and your relationship is on more solid ground and you've lost 20 pounds?

Just like picking a time to quit smoking or start a regular exercise routine, there's probably never going to be a time when life settles down and it suddenly becomes easy to do that hard thing you've been putting off. Granted, there may be times when it's easier than others, but if you're waiting for spontaneous motivation or an invitation from the universe, you're likely to be waiting forever.

The important accomplishments in your life - the things that have added real value to your quality of living - have usually been achieved through an exertion of will, hard work, and perseverence. Working to improve your sexual relationship is no different. There's no time like the present.

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