Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pain Management and Sex

On a call-in radio program this morning, I was asked whether pain could affect a man's ability to maintain an erection. It's a good question because it goes right to the heart of sexual functioning. For the sexual equipment to work properly and for men and women to be orgasmic, there needs to be focus and presence in the moment. Pain interferes with both.

Pain is a powerful distraction because it is compelling. It grabs your attention and interrupts both the mental and physical responses involved in being sexual. So how do you continue to be sexually active when you're dealing with pain that is chronic?

It's important to become less focused on performance and less invested in specific sexual outcomes when you're experiencing pain. Intercourse is only one of many ways to be sexual. The good news is that research indicates that sex can actually offer some pain relief! The relaxation response, the action of certain neurotransmitters, and the release of oxytocin all act to block some pain receptors. Bottomline, sex could be just what the doctor should order!

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