Monday, December 3, 2007

Playing Together

One of the ways to stay connected to your partner and nurture passion is to spend time together doing something you both enjoy. But what if you have totally different interests and your 'play' time is done individually? Tennis, golf, fishing, hunting, volleyball, softball - all of these are activities that one person may enjoy but a partner does not. Differences in leisure interests is more of a norm than an exception in couple relationships. The challenge is how to create a shared interest where none currently exists.

Not that you have to give up your individual interests. Time apart and time spent recharging your batteries certainly gives you more zest to bring back to the relationship. Individual fun is only a problem if it becomes too time-consuming and leaves little opportunity for couple fun.

Creating a shared interest may involve one of you giving your partner's interest a shot, but it probably works better if you come up with something totally new. You may have to get creative here but there are hundreds of choices available. Taking up ballroom dancing, learning to sail, joining a bridge club, setting up a saltwater fishtank, doing gourmet cooking classes - you get the idea. You're limited only by your imagination. You'll find that playing together creates both connection and passion in your relationship.

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