Sunday, January 13, 2008

'Sometimes On My Mind'

Busy, demanding schedules often lead to a division of lives as well as a division of labor. You might remember a time when you actually had fun shopping for groceries as a couple. Now grocery shopping is probably more often a frantic stop on the way home from work to get ingredients for dinner.

If your relationship has become somewhat stale and you feel like your partner is little more than a roommate, you may want to consider strategies for breathing new life into it. Eroticism is one of the most reliable mechanisms for infusing energy and awareness into relationships.

Eroticizing your relationship involves much more than increasing how often you have sex. It's about being fully present and truly seeing your partner. It's noticing and paying attention. It's full participation in the life you share with your partner. "Always On My Mind"may only play in the early stage of a relationship, but 'sometimes on my mind' is something to shoot for.

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