Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sexual Appeasement

I've posted before on the problem with obligatory sex - the "I'll just go along with it because it's easier than fighting about it" sex. Not exactly satisfying for either party. A close cousin to obligatory sex is appeasement sex.

Appeasement sex is often initiated by the less interested person when they notice their partner becoming increasingly tense or cranky from not 'getting any'. The low desire person offers up sex as a kind of tranquilizer, knowing that their partner will be more relaxed and in a better mood for days afterward.

When sex is dispensed as valium to 'soothe the savage beast', there's an absence of mutuality and intimacy. A sexually hungry partner is probably not going to turn down tranquilizer sex, but is unlikely to feel any long-lasting satiation of their hunger. The hunger is for a lot more than sex.

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