Tuesday, January 29, 2008

TV Women

Women on TV, from Desperate Housewives to Grey's Anatomy, certainly don't seem to be lacking in the desire department. TV couples get it on happily even in uncomfortable and unlikely settings. The portrayal of women as sexy creatures with very healthy sexual appetites is a mixed blessing.

On the one hand, women possessing their own desire is a step up from being simply an object of desire. On the other hand, females with little on the brain other than sex hardly reflect the reality of today's hard-working, multi-tasking, often exhausted women. Going from sex object to sex fiend may be a questionable improvement in models for a healthy sexual orientation.

Women don't need another unrealistic standard to increase their guilt or sense of inadequacy. When sexuality is an integral part of self, sex is less about hopping into bed at the drop of a hat and more about total aliveness.

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