Friday, January 11, 2008

Single and Sexy (Part 2)

Whether you're having sex or not, you are a sexual being. Your sexuality encompasses your comfort in your body, your feelings about being male or female, and your sensory awareness. It influences how you interact with others and how you are perceived by others. Your sexuality is a source of energy and passion that helps keep you engaged with life.

Remembering that your sexuality is not dependent on a partner is the first step toward staying sexy when you're single. The second step is staying aware of your body. Awareness is fostered through exercise and good physical self-care as well as treating your body to an array of sensory pleasures - exotic foods, scented lotions, barefoot walks in the grass, hot baths, luxurious fabrics, high-quality sheets, homemade bread, and time in front of a fireplace to mention only a few.

Make sure you're still getting touched. Hug your friends, get a massage, borrow a friend's baby if you don't have one of your own, or trade neck rubs with a relative. Skin hunger is real and can be managed even without a sex partner. Keeping your body's nerve endings in good working order is part of staying fully alive.

Tomorrow I'll post more on nurturing your sexuality while single.

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