Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Chicken or the Egg

I've often talked about the role of sex in keeping couples connected. When sex becomes infrequent or non-existent, distance usually begins creeping into the relationship. I've heard countless couples describe living with but apart from each other.

However, the whole thing works in reverse, as well. When couples become emotionally disconnected, sexual interest fades and sexual activity diminishes. Some couples may wonder which came first - the emotional disconnect or the disappearance of sex.

Generally speaking, when your sex life is in trouble, you're better off addressing the emotional connection first. It's tough to generate much sexual interest when you and your partner are barely able to converse. Once the connection is re-established, you can then follow the connection into sexual expression.

Sex is a great way to connect, but sex is almost always better when it flows from a connection.

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