Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tension Release

Sex is part of the intimacy you share with your partner. It can also be fun, exciting, relaxing, soothing, sleep-inducing, creative, and whatever else you choose to bring to it. During difficult times, it can be a wonderful way to release tension. I've posted previously about the value of staying connected to your partner when things are tough, but the connection is only part of the story.

The relaxation response following orgasm can loosen tight muscles and help you step out of over-identification with a problem. Just experiencing some moments not dominated by worrying thoughts can provide a welcome respite. And then there's the dopamine effect which helps create not only pleasure, but a sense of well-being.

So the next time you find yourself wound way too tight - or you see the strain starting to show on your partner's face - think about finding your way back to basics. Sex may be one of the best stress managment strategies you're not using.

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