Sunday, May 11, 2008

Desire Starter

Last August I posted on the benefits of doing Kegels - an exercise which involves contracting and releasing the PC muscles that are part of the pelvic floor. The benefits include increased blood flow to the pelvis, stronger orgasms, and increased genital sensitivity. So keeping the PC muscle in good shape enhances sexual enjoyment. What you may not know is the workout itself has its own benefits.

When you want to get yourself in the mood, try doing a series of Kegels and pay close attention to the physical sensations they produce. For women, Kegels are one of the quickest ways to access sexual feelings. By doing them regularly, you can stay in touch with your sexuality on a daily basis. But, like the two drinks you down before hitting the dance floor, a few Kegels can also get you ready for action in the sack even when your interest isn't running high. So do the squeezes to tone up, but also keep them in mind the next time you need a quick desire starter.

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