Saturday, May 31, 2008

"Give Me a Chance..."

If you have a partner who frequently pressures you for sex, you've probably been told how much it would mean if you occasionally intiated sex once in awhile. A woman I talked to recently complained that she never got the chance to initiate anything because her partner always beat her to it. That's a common dynamic. The higher desire person believes that if they waited for their partner to get things started, they'd be waiting forever. So they continue to push even though the end result is often to push their partner away.

The obvious solution to this dilemma is for the pushy partner to back off and for the less interested partner to step up to the plate. Sounds easy enough, but old dynamics die hard. If you're the less interested partner, you may tell yourself that no amount of initiation on your part will be enough. Maybe so, but you won't know unless you try. You might actually find that your partner is satisfied with far less sex than you've been imagining once they no longer have to try so hard to get it.

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