Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Meaning of Desire

I often refer to those with a low sex drive as low desire people. That's a shorthand way of describing those who have few spontaneous sexual feelings. However, it may put too much emphasis on sex as a biological urge.

Sex is far more than a physical drive or a certain set of behaviors. I really don't want people labeling themselves as 'low desire'- both because it sounds like a dysfunction of sorts (which it isn't) and because it sounds so permanent. It can also be used as one more excuse to avoid sex - "Not tonight, honey - you know I'm just one of those 'low desire' people who doesn't need sex as often as you do."

Those who don't feel a lot of desire for sex can still have a lot of desire for their partner. You don't have to be physically aroused to want closeness and touch - arousal often follows phsycial contact rather than precedes it. So if your hormones aren't keeping you all fired up, expand your definition of desire. Biology is not your destiny.

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