Friday, October 31, 2008


Been to any adult Halloween parties this season? If so, you've probably seen another side of the mild-mannered, modest folks who work alongside you at the office or wave to you as they're taking out the trash. In addition to the ghouls and the Frankensteins, you most likely have been exposed to the inner vixen that lies hidden underneath many people's conservative everyday persona. Playboy bunnies, skimpily dressed nurses, suave pirates, and black-caped draculas all reflect the pleasure to be found in accessing the daring, erotic impulses that are often kept under wraps.

Even the funky, hilarious costumes bring out the playful and childlike parts of people that allow inhibition to be chucked for the evening. Not really so far removed from role-play and fantasy enactment. So when you take off that costume after the party tonight, try keeping your imagination activated for an erotic adventure with your partner.

Happy Halloween!

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