Monday, October 27, 2008

Sex Diaries

Did you happen to catch the issue of Velocity entitled The SEX Issue (Oct. 15-21)? For those who haven't seen it around town, Velocity is a free news publication covering leisure life in Louisville. This issue contained five-day sex diaries from 6 single Louisvillians in their 20's and 30's.

After reading the diaries, I was left trying to figure out if single people just think about sex a lot more than married people or if people who volunteer to share their sexual thoughts and behaviors with the public are just naturally more sex-focused. Or maybe once having volunteered for the assignment, they became more sexually focused. It made me think that if you kept a diary just for recording sexual thoughts, desires, fantasies, and encounters, it might increase your sexuality quotient - in the same way that keeping a gratitude journal tends to increase an appreciation for all that's positive in your life.

Maybe you're thinking if you kept a sex diary, it would be filled with lots of blank pages. But that's because you're not really paying attention. Sexual thoughts and feelings can be subtle and fleeting. Who knows what might happen if you began to notice and record all the sexual blips on your radar....

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