Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Shopping or Sex?

In a recent survey, 53% of American women said they preferred shopping over sex. Now maybe that's the same percentage that prefer scrubbing the toilet over sex, but if not, what's that all about? Is buying a new pair of jeans really that rewarding or is the sex just not that hot? These can't be the same women who claim they'd be more interested in sex if they weren't so tired - the energy expenditure in the average sexual encounter is small potatoes compared to the energy required to pound the concrete floors of a shopping mall for a couple of hours.

If you're a woman who would have voted with the 53%, what would it take for sex to outrank shopping? What would make sex something to look forward to? What would have to change? When you can answer those questions, share them with your partner. He needs to be clued in. Send them along to me, too, if you're so inclined. I'm interested.

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