Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sex for the Blues

I've previously discussed the power of touch in reducing stress. Loving caresses and warm hugs reduce the level of cortisol in your body which produces a calming effect. I'm sure you've experienced a release of tension in both giving and receiving touch. Even stroking your cat or dog tends to lower blood pressure and have a soothing impact, so you can imagine what sex can do for you.

In addition to the pleasant sensations produced by touch, sex delivers an additional boost for women. Did you know that semen contains dopamine, the pleasure neurotransmitter? There is research demonstrating that women in monogamous relationships who have sex without condoms report lower levels of depression than a comparable group whose partners used condoms. Pretty cool research!

So if you're stressed or depressed, you might want to try having more sex. No side effects and a lot more fun than traditional treatments!

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