Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lowering Libido?

A woman wrote into Annie's advice column today in the Courier wondering why it's always women who are expected to accomodate men's more active libido rather than men doing something to lower their own. The response indicated that the writer was not alone in feeling this way.

Actually, I think many men with strong sex drives already do a lot of accomodating since it's frequently their partners who determine how often sex occurs. Now that doesn't mean the men always accomodate gracefully. I've written several times on the importance of negotiating differences in desire in a relationship and the negative impact of a partner who pressures and complains about not getting enough sex.

I would stop short, however, in suggesting that men (or women) do anything to lower their libido. The libido is a source of energy and excitement. Anyone with libido to spare can masturbate, and they can invest their excess passion in worthwhile endeavors. Certainly a better alternative than saltpeter.

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