Friday, May 29, 2009

Sharing and Acting Out Fantasies

I've been asked whether it's advisable to share fantasies with a partner and maybe even act them out. Sharing and acting out fantasies requires a great deal of trust on the part of both partners. Of course, it depends somewhat on the nature of the fantasy being shared. If you would fully expect your partner to respond with disgust and revulsion at the suggestion of acting out one of your more bizarre fantasies, you're probably better off keeping it as mental imagery. A fantasy and a reality can be experienced very differently.

I would recommend using some caution in deciding whether or not to share your most private fantasies. Risking self-disclosure can promote greater openness and trust which can enhance intimacy - and some role-playing during sex can spice up a sex life that's become too routine - but sometimes the sharing of fantasies creates a great deal of distress in couple relationships. It's smart to do a cost/benefit analysis.

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