Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Who Controls Sex?

In every relationship, there's always one partner who's lower in desire than the other. So, who do you think controls sex? It's always the lower desire partner. Now maybe if that's you, you're thinking about all the times you have sex when you don't really want to. But that's still YOU deciding to have sex. And maybe resenting it the whole time it's happening.

If you're the lower desire partner, you probably wish you weren't. You may think something's wrong with you, and your partner probably validates that view. But there may be nothing at all 'wrong' with you - you may simply have a lower sex drive than your partner.

Often what's wrong is not one partner wanting too much sex and the other not wanting it enough - what's wrong is how they go about dealing with the difference. I'm going to be discussing this issue in upcoming posts because it's the source of untold misery and conflict in couple relationships.

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