Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Eddie - Where are you?

Whenever I smell English Leather, I'm immediately transported back in time to a junior high dance where I'm slow-dancing with Eddie - who didn't go lightly when he sprayed himself with his dad's cologne. Smells, like music, tend to get deeply imprinted and create strong associations with people and places. Think about what associations pop up when you smell cotton candy, October's fallen leaves, the ocean, or bread baking in the oven.

What smells do you associate with your lover? Are there smells that you know are a turn-on for your partner? Just because you've been together for a hundred years doesn't mean that it's no longer important for your breath to be fresh and your body to be fragrant. Wear the cologne that your partner likes best. Create heavenly smells in the kitchen and place flowers in the bedroom. The sense of smell is an important conduit to our sexuality. Take time to discover what smells act as an aphrodisiac for you and for your partner.

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