Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sex Object to Sex Subject

Females' early training in sexuality revolves around attracting male attention - being an object of desire. Just watch some adolescent girls hanging out at the movie theater or wherever young people gather. The hair, the makeup, the tight jeans and exposed midriffs, the body language - all are designed to arouse the sexual interest of the boys. How many of those girls are in touch with their own sexual feelings? How many are really prepared to deal with the sexual interest of the boys they're attracting?

Now think about those teenage girls growing up into adult women. At what point do they become fully sexual creatures in their own right? When do they tune into their sexual feelings and become more than responders to male sexual desire? Until women move from being the object to the subject of their sex lives, low desire will continue to be a problem.

I'll talk in future posts about how women can make that transition.

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