Monday, September 3, 2007

Taking Sex Out of the Bedroom

If 100% of your sex life takes place in the bedroom, it may be time to take it on the road - or at least to different rooms of your house. Whether you try out the new mattress in the guest room, clear the dining room table for a different kind of dinner party, or find a new use for the kitchen sink, changing the location of your lovemaking is sure to add some spark to your sex life.

If you're up for a little more adventure, think about places outside your house where you'd like to make love - or at least make out. Though discretion is important, a small element of risk often adds to the excitement. Necking in the car, at the movies, in an elevator - playing footsie under the table at a restaurant - frolicking outdoors when you find yourselves alone in the woods, in the sand dunes, in the water - there are endless possibilities for creating special erotic encounters. So leave the comfort and safety of your bed once in a while for a little higher octane fun!

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